Thursday, October 9, 2008

Reading Assignment #8

Reading Assignment #8

W3 Schools HTML: Again I love peeking behind the curtain and seeing how things work. For some strange reason putting together my own web-page seemed kind of intimidating, but after reading this material and getting to “play’ with some of it I am actually starting to look forward to it.

--I was a little surprised to see that I am using some of the codes when I post on some of the message boards that I post on from time to time.

--I did enjoy the background color section and playing with it. Changing the colors really helped me start to feel more comfortable with what I was doing. Although seeing the color codes displayed made me glad we don’t have to memorize them.

--This is interesting because on some level it seems so easy but if you are not careful it can mess everything up very quickly.

--While I am feeling more comfortable with all of this I can see the HTML Quick-List being very near when we start work on our web-page.

HTML Cheatsheet: To quote the late Pope John Paul II, “It is what it is.” I like the fact that it is very easy to follow along with, and this too will also probably be nearby when we start work on our web-page.

W3 CSS Tutorial: Like the HTML tutorial I enjoyed getting to “play” with it as well. It started getting a little too technical for me in some areas but overall it didn’t go too far over my head.

--For some reason I enjoyed learning about the fonts and texts. I have no idea but I spent a good chunk of time just going through those sections not because I had any trouble with them but they just interested me. Probably because those sections reminded me of my TV days when I had to play with the character graphics programs for the station.

--The Border & Margin sections seemed to be the most complex for me with so many different things to keep track of.

Goans, Leach & Vogel article: Enjoyed going through this one because I am currently involved in a task force re-designing our data-base page. I can see a lot of similarities between what they went through and what we are going through.

--Reading about the mess that they had before the re-imagining was just nuts. It was almost like leaving the kids in a classroom by themselves and telling them, “Okay make sure you learn something and don’t mess it up.”

--I have had to deal with “Dreamweaver” before I can’t exactly remember where, but somehow I don’t think it was a real positive experience.

--The fact that they are willing to discuss things that went wrong along the way and the survey at the end says a lot about the overall process. That there are no quick-fixes and not everyone is going to be satisfied.

--They mention that plans were underway for further enhancement and migrating content. I wonder how that has worked out?

--.We just finished going through the “What works and what doesn’t work anymore stage” with plans to get the new page up and running by start of the next semester.

Muddy Question: Concerning the Goans, Leach & Vogel article. I read that a reason that they considered open-source as an option, but decided against it because it would mean “Frankensteining” several products together. What does that look like? What exactly is that process like?

Blogs where I have Posted:


raygunrobot said...

I've never had any html experience, but now I'm really looking forward to it. I also dug the color changing and font changing, I think I spent about twenty minutes playing with the edit and click pages.

JPM73 said...


So did I and then realized, "Oh yeah I got other reading to do."

jean said...

I thought these were great sites. It is neat to see that I really can do HTML--understand it, use it, etc. With the cheatsheets, it is not too difficult to figure out and use correctly. I think these sites are very useful and I will definitely be referring back to them.

Maggie said...

At first it all seemed so exotic, then once I realize that I only need to learn a few terms, the whole thing starts to come together.